We Care About You
In 21st century, good health is an achievement. We cannot achieve this without combining happiness, nature and attention to physical and mental state.
Providing therapy to a distressed body is perhaps one of the most important job on the planet and health care providers are the angels who make this happen.
In today’s times, therapy is only as effective as the technology adopted.
At TheraTech, we combine therapy with latest and most innovative technology.
We believe in equipping the health care providers with the best tools to help their patients.
We focus on early detection, early intervention and painless therapies to the best of our abilities.
Proper health education motivates the public to live healthy. So, we work in increasing awareness of general public towards common misconceptions and help them improve their family’s health.


– Discover if you’re at risk of Diabetes
Sudoscan checks the functions of small nerves through your sweat glands . Sweat function can reflect the health of nerves that control your heart rate, digestion, urination, respiratory rates, sexual functions that could be affected if you have diabetes
Who Should Test
- Over 35 Years
- Family History of Diabetes – either parents or grandparents
- Smokers and/or drinks
- Office based work
- Sedentary lifestyle , lack of exercise , higher BMI
- Overweight